One of the things I've begun to notice around the comments on the Rex Parker Does The New York Times Crossword blog is that the defenders of Mr. Jazz Hands readily list his actions (I'll not call them accomplishments, not yet). The rhetoric lacks awareness of the consequences of these actions. It is unreasonable and foolish to ask the Mexican president to write us a check to pay for a wall they don't want. Enforcing that would require a military invasion, Taxing Mexican imports would only force Americans to pay for the wall that most uf us don't want either. It won't stop illegal immigration, it will merely force the Coyotes to become sailors and change thier entrance points. And it won't stop all of the undocumented housemaids and nannies from raping and murdering innocent college boys so they can steal thier drugs.
Several times I've read about internment camps built or being built in the western half of the country. Who are we going to put there? Undocumented aliens? Lying newspaper reporters who don't agree with the newspeak rhetoric of the administration? Muslims? Indian motel owners? Korean convenience store owners? African Americans? Native Americans who oppose Mr. Jazz Hands's pipeline? Scientists who insist that global warming is real? The five million lllegal voters whom you can tell who they are by looking at them?
You can criticize Z all you want but he is always ready and willing to back up everything he says with reasoned arguments.
Z once linked an article from the New York Times Review of Books. Umberto Eco (there's a familiar crossword name but do you know who he is?) writing on Ur-Fascism. That killed a good half hour to read. I learned a lot. See, I've never been particularly political but that article opened my eyes. When I read that article first, I took it as a warning. Now I'm taking it as a prediction.
All the folks who are straining at the gate to get Obamacare, AKA the Affordable Care Act repealed are doing it without regard for the millions and millions of Americans who will lose thier healthcare. Ultimately that will bring about more expense in lost productivity than the cost of the healthcare itself. The oligarchy doesn't give a shit about Hoi Polloy, the proletariat, the peons and peasants who do the work to support this country. Feed them porridge and put them to work twelve to sixteen hours a day. If a few are lost, there are more to replace tham who will be truely grateful for bowls of porridge and something useful to do with thier day beside lolling about in smoke filled living rooms and basements watching game shows on TV.
So lets make America great again. How? Like it was after the Civil War? Like it was when a fourteen year old colored boy coud be lynched for appreciating and complimenting a white woman by whistling at her? Like it was when gangsters machine gunned down a bunch of rivals in a parking garage over illegal alcohol trade? LIke it was when the banks failed and folks were left with thousands of good things to eat, each of which was a bean. Like it was when everyone was being paid a fair wage for a fair day's work before the unions arose to ensure that? Yeah, America truely was great.